How to be discipline in work

Self discipline in hindi for success

Excuses are always lying in the comfort zone of our mind, Stop Giving Excuses

Self discipline

Whenever we think of accepting a new challenge or opportunity, immediately different types of excuses start forming in our mind. And "we can't achieve any of our goals" start preparing facts behind such useless beliefs.

Making excuses is a way of deceiving your mind and yourself which can make you completely hollow, hopeless. You even stop chasing the things you want in life.

Ronaldo says that the level of my game has been the best in the last 15 years, continuously giving your top performance means that you have only 0.1% scope to make mistakes, you have to keep training, diet, emotion all on one target. Ronaldo says that I believe that I play well but my real strength is my mind, I never let it loose its focus, I can always keep my mind and body in focus like my objective in my mind to win. Apart from improving myself, no other thought comes to my mind.

Friends, you can create infinite thoughts in your mind, you can get lost in them continuously one after the other, but discipline of focus says that you focus your mind towards a goal and its success and hard work put in it. Apart from this, he does not allow any other kind of thoughts to enter his mind.

According to the Rescuetime survey, only 3% of the professional people are able to complete the goal they have set every day, it is clear that how easily the discipline of completing the goal can separate you from the crowd. Think for yourself if you start fulfilling your daily goals honestly every day, then at what level your performance will reach. It is easy to make goals but it takes a different discipline to complete them.

Let's say my job today is that I have to write 5000 words, I know that I have to write at least 1340 words in every two and a half hours, in this I can work for 4 hours 20 minutes and take half an hour break, then I go to about I can complete my objective in 9 hours 30 minutes and if I do not track my progress every 3 hours then I will not be able to complete this target.

Goal setting is easy, but if you don't know how to track your progress, you'll never meet it. phelps says that success for me means completing the goal, he says that me and my coach used to make small goals with training and visualization and chase each goal until it is completed.

One thing is hidden in this discipline, until you do not have the process to reach the goals, you will not be able to track the progress, if you are really serious, then at this time write the process of completing your goals and that process Track every day.

Colonel Sanders (founder of KFC company) kept on failing all his life. He was fond of cooking and feeding. He changed many jobs and worked in many companies. Had to close it, after that opened a hotel after taking a loan, then a fire broke out in the hotel. His behavior towards his friend was also not right, even after all these shortcomings, he was successful because he had the discipline to work every day, he could not be distracted by any kind of loss, accident, bad luck, due to which he could establish KFC.

After the Second World War, Japan's back was broken, the engineering and production here was behind the world. But by the time of 1975, the quality of Japanese products increased 5 times compared to American products, which means they used to have 5 times less defects. And the time to make was reduced by 3 times, what happened that Japan's engineering has gone 15 times ahead of America in 30 years, the answer is kaizen. One of the meaning of Kaizen is to remove mistakes continuously Japanese workers and managers had only one goal not to make mistakes, whatever it is, change the process, set alarm, mark on the wall, but eliminate every type of mistake. Don't make mistakes, don't commit mistakes, this was not a warning to the workers but an inspiration.

To improve yourself, you see which habit or shortcomings are stopping you and you have to root it out completely. To bring other improvements, you have to learn new things. In this process, you have to keep removing the mistake. With the same effort, you can increase your progress manifold.

mark cuban says that I keep meeting the best investors and managers of Silicon Valley, they have a lot of knowledge, they can debate from history, politics, economics to gene engineering, but there is one special thing in them, these people are in their zone That is, they do not let their thought energy get scattered, they do not react to gossip, support and news, so that these people can think deeply about the same problem, that is why these people come up with new innovations easily.

The discipline of deep thinking says that you choose which question you have to solve, then concentrate on its contemplation. By practicing this discipline, you will surprise yourself that how your subconscious mind can give you the best answer. Practice is whenever you find any personal problem which is troubling you for a long time then use it to think deeply. Experiment, if still you are not able to think, then write down the question and its incomplete answer and leave it and come back after some time and try again.


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